Client overall care experience | HQCA Focus

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Client overall care experience

How clients rated their overall home and community care experience, in a 2019 survey. (see data definition)

What do you see?

  • How might this information be used to inform Continuing Care Health Service Standards 1.0 Standardized Assessment and Person-Centred Care Planning, and/or related sub-standards?
  • Are there differences between zones? Between mainly rural and urban zones? What factors could account for these differences?

Understanding “overall care experience”

In a survey conducted from October 2018 to March 2019, the HQCA asked clients receiving home and community care:

OVERALL, how would you rate the quality of your home and community care services (including both professional and personal services), where 0 is the worst and 10 is the best?

Clients who responded could choose a number from 0 to 10.

An overall rating is one of the best ways to understand the overall experience of care and services from the client’s perspective. This measure is influenced by various other measures about their experience, including the type of services they are receiving, as well as, the type of staff they are interacting with. Reviewing the results of this question in combination with other results helps provide insights into what is shaping client overall experience with home and community care.

Considerations when viewing the results:

This data reflects the experiences of seniors aged 65+ receiving long term supportive and maintenance care and are among the largest groups of home and community care clients.

There are a number of factors providers and leaders can consider to better understand and improve overall client experience. Some questions they could ask before taking action include:

  • This measure represents an overall rating of the quality of home and community care services provided to a client in their home. Which aspects of the home and community care experience do clients consider most important when providing this rating?
  • How might you approach identifying and prioritizing improvement opportunities? How might you involve clients in that discussion?

For information about the HQCA’s Alberta Seniors Home Care Client Survey, please visit the HQCA website.

Alberta Quality Matrix for Health

The Health Quality Council of Alberta uses the Alberta Quality Matrix for Health as a way of organizing information and thinking around the complexity of the healthcare system. This measure can be used as input to assess performance in this dimension of quality: Acceptability.