Resident overall experience | HQCA Focus

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Continuing Care Homes: Type A

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Resident overall experience

How residents rated their overall experience with their home in a 2022-23 survey. (see data definition)

Please note: Site-level results in the 2022-23 FBCC Resident Experience Survey Report are not available because most sites did not meet our public reporting criteria.

What do you think?

  • When looking at results by site, how does the overall rating compare to other resident experience measures? Does a positive result here show other positive results among other measures, and the reverse? For example, do sites with better food ratings consistently have better overall ratings?
  • Are there differences between zones? Between providers? Between mainly rural and urban zones or sites? What factors could account for these differences?
  • How does the resident global overall rating differ from the family members’ in continuing care homes – type A (formerly long term care)?
  • How are these results different in other areas of continuing care? Continuing care homes – type B (formerly designated supportive living)? Home and community care?
  • How are these results different in other areas of the healthcare system? In emergency departments? In primary healthcare?

Understanding “resident overall experience”

In a survey conducted in 2022-23, the HQCA asked residents living in continuing care homes – type A (formerly long term care):

Using any number from 0-10, where 0 is the worst and 10 is the best… Overall, what number would you use to rate your home?

Residents could choose a number from 0 to 10

An overall rating of a site or home helps understand the overall experience from the resident’s perspective. This measure is influenced by various other factors, including aspects of this living environment that extend beyond the care and services provided (e.g., location, cost, pet-friendliness, etc.). Reviewing the results of this question, in combination with others, helps provide insights into what is shaping resident overall experience.

Considerations when viewing the results:

There are a number of factors providers and leaders can consider to better understand and improve residents’ overall experience. Before taking action, consider the following:

  • This measure represents an overall rating of their home, which is reflective of a variety of experiences at the site. What aspects of the site might residents be thinking about when provide their rating? Which aspects might they consider most important to decide a rating?
  • How might you approach identifying and prioritizing improvement opportunities? How might you involve residents and family members in that discussion?
  • Who should be involved in discussions to improve these results? How could residents and/or family members be engaged to develop solutions? What other collaboration might be required to make improvements in this overall rating?

For information about the HQCA’s Facility-based Continuing Care survey and more detail about what influences the overall rating, please visit the HQCA website.

Alberta Quality Matrix for Health

The Health Quality Council of Alberta uses the Alberta Quality Matrix for Health as a way of organizing information and thinking around the complexity of the healthcare system. This measure can be used as input to assess supported living’s performance in this dimension of quality: Acceptability.