Healthcare Areas | HQCA Focus

Healthcare Areas

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The Health Quality Council of Alberta (HQCA) is mandated to promote and improve patient safety, person-centred care, and health service quality on a province-wide basis. We believe that reporting about what’s happening across Alberta’s healthcare system can support transparency, lead to quality improvement and provide a clearer picture of how the system is working overall. We are working to continue to add new healthcare areas to FOCUS to provide a view of the whole system.

primary icon
Primary Healthcare

Learn about patient experience and quality of care in primary care clinics across Alberta.

Emergency Department

Learn about patient experience and quality of care in Alberta’s 16 busiest emergency departments.

hospital icon
Hospital Care

Find information about quality and safety in Hospital Care across Alberta.

homecare icon
Home and Community Care
Formerly Home Care

Find information about quality and safety in home and community care for seniors across Alberta.

long term icon
Continuing Care Homes: Type A
Long Term Care

Find information about safety, quality, and resident and family experience across Alberta.

supported icon
Continuing Care Homes: Type B
Designated Supported Living

Find information about safety, quality, and resident and family experience across Alberta.